The unparalleled Cellular Water Spray acts as an energy bomb providing your skin with freshness, radiance, and vitality.
Perfectly bio-assimilated (100% biomimetic without colorings, fragrances, or preservatives), it boosts the skin's vital functions and its cellular activity as well as optimizing the effectiveness of other Institute Esthederm products and treatments.
Increase cellular metabolism
Improved the quality, radiance, and skin resistance
Improved the effectiveness of the active ingredients of cosmetic formulations.
preserves skin quality and prevents skin aging.
energize the skin - antioxidant
How to Use:
Use up to 3 times a day to restore your skin's energy and vitality.
Warnings & precautions:
Don't use it if you are allergic to any of its contents.
The unparalleled Cellular Water Spray acts as an energy bomb providing your skin with freshness, radiance, and vitality.
Perfectly bio-assimilated (100% biomimetic without colorings, fragrances, or preservatives), it boosts the skin's vital functions and its cellular activity as well as optimizing the effectiveness of other Institute Esthederm products and treatments.
Increase cellular metabolism
Improved the quality, radiance, and skin resistance
Improved the effectiveness of the active ingredients of cosmetic formulations.
preserves skin quality and prevents skin aging.
energize the skin - antioxidant
How to Use:
Use up to 3 times a day to restore your skin's energy and vitality.
Warnings & precautions:
Don't use it if you are allergic to any of its contents.