The N (Natural) Series shades color your hair while creating a natural, even color.
Thanks to a consistent and odorless formula, Herbatint Permanent Hair Color Gel is easy to mix and apply, proving perfect results in jus…
Product Features:
Dermatologically tested for sensitive skin
Gentle formula without ammonia, parabens, and alcohol fragrance-free
8 Organic herbal extracts
A gel formula is easy to apply
36 Mixable shades – can be mixed to create customized colors
Color gel and developer (unmixed) can be saved and reused allowing for additional applications.
How to Use:
To mix Herbatint Gel and Developer, use the Herbatint measuring cup found in the Herbatint Application Kit to mix equal parts of color and developer.
The quantity you use depends on the length and volume of your hair. Note: If you don’t own an Application Kit, you can use a plastic or glass measuring cup, but NEVER use a metal measuring device.
Mix with a brush until you obtain a gel-like consistency. Starting at the root, apply the gel to dry, unwashed hair. Tilt your head back while you rinse so that the gel does not get into your eyes.
Once processed, rinse hair thoroughly until the water runs clear. Rinse by tilting head back (Do NOT use shampoo for 48 hours).
Finally, apply the Royal Cream Conditioner and leave on the hair for five minutes. Rinse again and style as usual.
Cautions & Warnings:
Sensitvity Test:
Since the product may cause skin irritation on certain individuals, a preliminary sensitivity test should be performed.
Click here to learn how to take a sensitivity test at home.
Color Strand Test:
We recommend that you test the color on a part of your hair that contains the colors you want to cover.
Doing a color strand test, it ensures you get that you get the first look of your desired color.
Important To Note:
Since Herbatint uses the most gentle formula possible, our product will only lift about one shade.
Herbatint is not capable of lifting multiple shades, so it is important to choose a color within one shade of your normal color, when going lighter.
The N (Natural) Series shades color your hair while creating a natural, even color.
Thanks to a consistent and odorless formula, Herbatint Permanent Hair Color Gel is easy to mix and apply, proving perfect results in jus…
Product Features:
Dermatologically tested for sensitive skin
Gentle formula without ammonia, parabens, and alcohol fragrance-free
8 Organic herbal extracts
A gel formula is easy to apply
36 Mixable shades – can be mixed to create customized colors
Color gel and developer (unmixed) can be saved and reused allowing for additional applications.
How to Use:
To mix Herbatint Gel and Developer, use the Herbatint measuring cup found in the Herbatint Application Kit to mix equal parts of color and developer.
The quantity you use depends on the length and volume of your hair. Note: If you don’t own an Application Kit, you can use a plastic or glass measuring cup, but NEVER use a metal measuring device.
Mix with a brush until you obtain a gel-like consistency. Starting at the root, apply the gel to dry, unwashed hair. Tilt your head back while you rinse so that the gel does not get into your eyes.
Once processed, rinse hair thoroughly until the water runs clear. Rinse by tilting head back (Do NOT use shampoo for 48 hours).
Finally, apply the Royal Cream Conditioner and leave on the hair for five minutes. Rinse again and style as usual.
Cautions & Warnings:
Sensitvity Test:
Since the product may cause skin irritation on certain individuals, a preliminary sensitivity test should be performed.
Click here to learn how to take a sensitivity test at home.
Color Strand Test:
We recommend that you test the color on a part of your hair that contains the colors you want to cover.
Doing a color strand test, it ensures you get that you get the first look of your desired color.
Important To Note:
Since Herbatint uses the most gentle formula possible, our product will only lift about one shade.
Herbatint is not capable of lifting multiple shades, so it is important to choose a color within one shade of your normal color, when going lighter.