Heavenly vegan cookie containing no animal products.
16g protein.
10g of fiber per cookie.
Non-GMO project verified.
Vegan, no trans fat, non-GMO project verified.
Fresh baked flavor with no dairy, no eggs, no soy, no high fructose corn syrup, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners, uses only sustainable palm oil.
The complete cookie will not only satisfy your tummy and sweet tooth but also your peace of mind
Heavenly vegan cookie containing no animal products.
16g protein.
10g of fiber per cookie.
Non-GMO project verified.
Vegan, no trans fat, non-GMO project verified.
Fresh baked flavor with no dairy, no eggs, no soy, no high fructose corn syrup, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners, uses only sustainable palm oil.
The complete cookie will not only satisfy your tummy and sweet tooth but also your peace of mind