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Nahdicare Health center
Product Description:
Maalox Plus Tablets contain three different medicines:- The first two medicines are called dried aluminiumhydroxide gel and magnesium hydroxide. Theybelong to a group of medicines called antacids.- The other medicine is called simeticone. It belongsto a group of medicines called anti-foaming agents.Maalox Plus Tablets is used for:- The relief of indigestion (dyspepsia)- Heartburn- Wind (flatulence)Maalox Plus Tablets work by lowering the amountof acid in your stomach. The anti-foaming agent inMaalox Plus Tablets helps to remove gas from yourstomach.2. What you need to know before you take
Taking this medicine- Take this medicine by mouth- Chew the tablets well before swallowingAdults including the elderly- Take one or two tablets 4 times each day- Take 20 minutes to one hour after meals and atbedtime or as requiredChildrenMaalox Plus Tablets are not recommended for children.If the symptoms do not go away, talk to your doctor
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking MaaloxPlus Tablets if:- You are on a low-phosphorous diet Other medicines and Maalox Plus TabletsTell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking orhave recently taken any other medicines.This includes medicines you buy without prescription,including herbal medicines.Maalox Plus Tablets should not be taken at the sametime as other medicines. This is because Maalox PlusTablets can affect the way other medicines work. IfMaalox Plus Tablets are taken within one hour ofany other medicine, they can affect the uptake ofthat medicine into the blood.Some medicines may be affected by magnesiumhydroxide or they may affect how well magnesiumhydroxide will work. Tell your doctor or pharmacistif you are already taking: - salicylates
Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 200mg
Magnesium Hydroxide 200mg
Simeticone 25mg
Product Details:
Product Description:
Maalox Plus Tablets contain three different medicines:- The first two medicines are called dried aluminiumhydroxide gel and magnesium hydroxide. Theybelong to a group of medicines called antacids.- The other medicine is called simeticone. It belongsto a group of medicines called anti-foaming agents.Maalox Plus Tablets is used for:- The relief of indigestion (dyspepsia)- Heartburn- Wind (flatulence)Maalox Plus Tablets work by lowering the amountof acid in your stomach. The anti-foaming agent inMaalox Plus Tablets helps to remove gas from yourstomach.2. What you need to know before you take
Taking this medicine- Take this medicine by mouth- Chew the tablets well before swallowingAdults including the elderly- Take one or two tablets 4 times each day- Take 20 minutes to one hour after meals and atbedtime or as requiredChildrenMaalox Plus Tablets are not recommended for children.If the symptoms do not go away, talk to your doctor
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking MaaloxPlus Tablets if:- You are on a low-phosphorous diet Other medicines and Maalox Plus TabletsTell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking orhave recently taken any other medicines.This includes medicines you buy without prescription,including herbal medicines.Maalox Plus Tablets should not be taken at the sametime as other medicines. This is because Maalox PlusTablets can affect the way other medicines work. IfMaalox Plus Tablets are taken within one hour ofany other medicine, they can affect the uptake ofthat medicine into the blood.Some medicines may be affected by magnesiumhydroxide or they may affect how well magnesiumhydroxide will work. Tell your doctor or pharmacistif you are already taking: - salicylates
Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 200mg
Magnesium Hydroxide 200mg
Simeticone 25mg
Product Details: