| Shaping Your Brows - Brows define your look.
- Starting with the perfect shape can work wonders.
- When it comes to accurately shaping your brows, this simple, three-point rule will never steer you wrong.
- Align the start of your brow to the outside of the nose.
- Align the arch of your brow to the outer edge of the pupil.
- Brows should always taper off at the outer corner of the eye.

| Scultping Your Brows - Thick, natural brows are easy to master with the right tool.
- Brow Drama sculpting mascara gives you a bolder, more dramatic look in two quick steps.
- Apply Brow Drama using quick, short strokes from the tail of your brow toward your nose.
- Then, retrace those strokes in the opposite direction.

| Defining Your Arch - An easy way to practice shaping is the instant brow lift.
- Use Brow Drama to fill in your brows and add definition to your arch with your favorite highlighter.
- We love Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer.
- Highlight just above the arch of your brow.
- Highlight just under the tail of your brow.