Nahdi Extra Soft Breast Pads 40 pcs

57.50 SAR
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Nahdi Extra Soft Breast Pads 40 pcs
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About Product

Caution & Warnings:

  • The Nahdi breast pads are disposable pads that are meant to be thrown after use.
  • Before you wear them, make sure your nipples are dry.
  • Apply some nipple cream if your nipples are sore or chapped.
  • Then, take the pad and peel off the adhesive strips.
  • Position the pad over your nipples and stick them.
  • Wear your bra immediately so the pads stay put and get additional support from the bra.
  • Check your pad often to make sure it is not wet.
  • Once the pad is fully wet, dispose it off and use a new one.

How to use:

  • These pads contain a special polymer layer to absorb excess milk.
  • They contain a waterproof, protective layer to protect blotting from trapped milk.
  • The Nahdi breast pads have an adhesive strip and contoured edges to help them stay in place.
  • One standard size that fits all.
  • These breast pads are ultra-thin, extra soft, and non-toxic.
  • Each breast pad can last you for a whole day.
  • They are gentle on the skin and feel dry all-day.
  • Each pad is individually wrapped for hygiene and convenience.
  • This pack contains 40 pieces of breast pads.

Product Features:

If you are a new mother, you have most likely experienced your breast milk leaking without any warning. To help you tackle such unforeseen situations and prevent such embarrassing leaks, Nahdi has made these extra soft breast pads with a quilted honeycomb. These breast pads or nursing pads are ultra-soft and absorbent removable liners that are worn inside your bra to prevent your clothing from wet patches of breast milk and stains – it has everything a sensitive-skinned mama will need.

Product Description:

  • Always carry a pack of breast pads in your hospital bag before you check yourself into the hospital for your delivery.
  • Before you wear your clothes, make sure the breast pad is aligned with your nipple otherwise your breast milk will create wet patches on your clothes.
  • Change the breast pads as soon as they are wet to prevent irritation and infections.
  • Remove your breast pads gently otherwise they will end up pulling your skin. If the pad is stuck to your skin, moisten it with some warm water.
  • Before you wear another breast pad, clean your breasts with some warm water and pat them dry to get rid of any moisture or dried milk on them.
  • Applying a breast pad on wet breasts can cause irritation and other infections, which will then stop you from breastfeeding your child.

Product Details: