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Paracetamol 500 mg Tablets
Whatis Paracetamol/Sodium used for :
Paracetamolis a medication that belongs to a class of medications known asanalgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics (fever reducers). Thisproduct is used for the fast relief of the following indications:
· Headache (including tension andmigraine headaches)
· Period pain
· Backache
· Rheumatic pain (joints pain)
· Cold and flu
· Sore throat
· Muscle Pain
· Toothache
· Fever
Donot take Paracetamol :
· If you are allergic to Paracetamol, orany of the ingredients in this medicine. Tell your doctor about the allergy andwhat signs you had.
· If you are taking other Paracetamol containingproducts. Make sure not to exceed the dose.
Warnings and precautions :
· Talk to your doctor or pharmacist ifyou develop allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, skin rash, swellingof the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness.
· Make sure to tell your doctor if youhave liver or kidney problems, including alcoholic liver disease or if you havemild arthritis (joints inflammation) and need to take painkillers on a dailybasis.
· Long term use of this medication maybe harmful to your liver.
· Contact your doctor if symptoms arenot relieved.
· Each tablet of this product contains173 mg of sodium. Talk to your doctor before taking this medication if you arefollowing a strictly controlled sodium diet.
· Talk to your doctor before taking thismedication if you are malnourished, underweight, or a regular alcohol consumer.
· Talk to your doctor if you have asevere infection, underweight, malnourished or consume alcohol regularly inorder to avoid development of metabolic acidosis which is usually manifested bysigns and symptoms, like, loss of appetite, deep, difficult and rapidbreathing, nausea and vomiting. Contact your doctor right away if youexperience any of these signs.
Possible side effects :
Possible side effects of Paracetamolinclude signs of an allergic reaction like rash, signs of breathing problemslike difficulty breathing, sudden weight loss, nausea, yellowing of the skinand eyes, loss of appetite and unexplained bleeding or bruising.
Other medicines and Paracetamol/Sodium :
Tellyour doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might takeany other medications.
· If you are taking metoclopramide ordomperidone (used for vomiting or nausea).
· If you are taking cholestyramine (usedto lower blood cholesterol).
· If you are taking blood thinningmedications (e.g. warfarin) and you need to take a painkiller every day. Concomitant chronic use of painkillers andblood thinning medications may increase the risk of bleeding.
· If you are taking other Paracetamol-containingmedications.
Howto take Paracetamol :
Adultsand children aged 16 years and over :
Take2 tablets with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) every 4 hours as needed. Makesure not to exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours.
Childrenaged 12-15 years :
Take1 tablet with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) every 4 hours as needed. Do notexceed 4 tablets in 24 hours.
Childrenunder 12 years :
Donot give Paracetamol/Sodium tablets to children below 12 years of age.
· Swallow tablet with or without food.Take on an empty stomach for faster pain relief.
· For fastest pain relief, take yourdose with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) and on an empty stomach.
· Do not take a higher than recommendeddose and do not take the medication more frequently than every 4 hours.
Howto store Paracetamol :
· Keep out of the reach of children andpets
· Do not store the medicine above 25 ° C
· Do not use beyond the expiry datementioned on the box
· Keep medication in its original packto protect it from moisture and light
· Do not use damaged pills
· Do not dispose medication in thewastewater or household waste
Product Details:
Paracetamol 500 mg Tablets
Whatis Paracetamol/Sodium used for :
Paracetamolis a medication that belongs to a class of medications known asanalgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics (fever reducers). Thisproduct is used for the fast relief of the following indications:
· Headache (including tension andmigraine headaches)
· Period pain
· Backache
· Rheumatic pain (joints pain)
· Cold and flu
· Sore throat
· Muscle Pain
· Toothache
· Fever
Donot take Paracetamol :
· If you are allergic to Paracetamol, orany of the ingredients in this medicine. Tell your doctor about the allergy andwhat signs you had.
· If you are taking other Paracetamol containingproducts. Make sure not to exceed the dose.
Warnings and precautions :
· Talk to your doctor or pharmacist ifyou develop allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, skin rash, swellingof the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness.
· Make sure to tell your doctor if youhave liver or kidney problems, including alcoholic liver disease or if you havemild arthritis (joints inflammation) and need to take painkillers on a dailybasis.
· Long term use of this medication maybe harmful to your liver.
· Contact your doctor if symptoms arenot relieved.
· Each tablet of this product contains173 mg of sodium. Talk to your doctor before taking this medication if you arefollowing a strictly controlled sodium diet.
· Talk to your doctor before taking thismedication if you are malnourished, underweight, or a regular alcohol consumer.
· Talk to your doctor if you have asevere infection, underweight, malnourished or consume alcohol regularly inorder to avoid development of metabolic acidosis which is usually manifested bysigns and symptoms, like, loss of appetite, deep, difficult and rapidbreathing, nausea and vomiting. Contact your doctor right away if youexperience any of these signs.
Possible side effects :
Possible side effects of Paracetamolinclude signs of an allergic reaction like rash, signs of breathing problemslike difficulty breathing, sudden weight loss, nausea, yellowing of the skinand eyes, loss of appetite and unexplained bleeding or bruising.
Other medicines and Paracetamol/Sodium :
Tellyour doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might takeany other medications.
· If you are taking metoclopramide ordomperidone (used for vomiting or nausea).
· If you are taking cholestyramine (usedto lower blood cholesterol).
· If you are taking blood thinningmedications (e.g. warfarin) and you need to take a painkiller every day. Concomitant chronic use of painkillers andblood thinning medications may increase the risk of bleeding.
· If you are taking other Paracetamol-containingmedications.
Howto take Paracetamol :
Adultsand children aged 16 years and over :
Take2 tablets with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) every 4 hours as needed. Makesure not to exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours.
Childrenaged 12-15 years :
Take1 tablet with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) every 4 hours as needed. Do notexceed 4 tablets in 24 hours.
Childrenunder 12 years :
Donot give Paracetamol/Sodium tablets to children below 12 years of age.
· Swallow tablet with or without food.Take on an empty stomach for faster pain relief.
· For fastest pain relief, take yourdose with half a tumbler of water (100 ml) and on an empty stomach.
· Do not take a higher than recommendeddose and do not take the medication more frequently than every 4 hours.
Howto store Paracetamol :
· Keep out of the reach of children andpets
· Do not store the medicine above 25 ° C
· Do not use beyond the expiry datementioned on the box
· Keep medication in its original packto protect it from moisture and light
· Do not use damaged pills
· Do not dispose medication in thewastewater or household waste
Product Details: