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Nahdicare Health center
Product Description:
1-Primalac® Ultima 1 with Nutractive blend, the new generation of infant formula
2-Primalac® Ultima 1 is inspired by the uniqueness of breast milk and supports the breastfeeding and sustains it longer with a 100% lactose content for the first six month
3-The primalac® Ultima 1 formula with the unique Nutractive blend which is our exclusive innovation tailored specially to decrease all GIT disorders like constipation, colic ®urgitation & supports all the nutritional needs of your baby from 0 to 6 Months
How to use:
1-wash your hands with soap and water, and dry using a clean towel
2-wash feeding bottle, nipple, and cap then boil them for 5 minutes
3-Boil drinking water for 5 mins and allow cool to 40 C
4- Check the feeding table, pour the exact amount of water into the feeding bottle
5-add the exact amount of leveled scoops of the product, using the enclosed scoop then close the bottle
6-Shake the bottle well until the powder is fully dissolved.
Caution & Warnings:
1- un boiled water and bottle or incorrect preparation can make your baby ill
2-prepare the bottle at one time, Throw away any unfinished milk after feeding
3-Use only the enclosed scoop
4-Use content after opening for a maximum of 4 weeks .use by the date shown on the base of the tin
5- store the tin in a cold and dry place
1- Primalac ® ultima 1 contains the milk fat OPO with no palm oil which is an innovative fat blend that is closer to the breast milk, to support bone mineralization, better digestive well being &healthy beneficial gut bacteria with less incidence of constipation and discomfort
2- The Primalac® Ultima 1 formula contains HMOs for a better immune system and strengthens the beneficial gut flora for a healthy outcomes
3-The primalac® Ultima Formula contains a high amount of omega 3 & omega 6 with a ratio of 1:1 to enhance brain development
4- The primalac® Ultima formula has a better ( taste & smell ) , thanks to the unique innovation of the Fat milk and OPO
Product Details:
Product Description:
1-Primalac® Ultima 1 with Nutractive blend, the new generation of infant formula
2-Primalac® Ultima 1 is inspired by the uniqueness of breast milk and supports the breastfeeding and sustains it longer with a 100% lactose content for the first six month
3-The primalac® Ultima 1 formula with the unique Nutractive blend which is our exclusive innovation tailored specially to decrease all GIT disorders like constipation, colic ®urgitation & supports all the nutritional needs of your baby from 0 to 6 Months
How to use:
1-wash your hands with soap and water, and dry using a clean towel
2-wash feeding bottle, nipple, and cap then boil them for 5 minutes
3-Boil drinking water for 5 mins and allow cool to 40 C
4- Check the feeding table, pour the exact amount of water into the feeding bottle
5-add the exact amount of leveled scoops of the product, using the enclosed scoop then close the bottle
6-Shake the bottle well until the powder is fully dissolved.
Caution & Warnings:
1- un boiled water and bottle or incorrect preparation can make your baby ill
2-prepare the bottle at one time, Throw away any unfinished milk after feeding
3-Use only the enclosed scoop
4-Use content after opening for a maximum of 4 weeks .use by the date shown on the base of the tin
5- store the tin in a cold and dry place
1- Primalac ® ultima 1 contains the milk fat OPO with no palm oil which is an innovative fat blend that is closer to the breast milk, to support bone mineralization, better digestive well being &healthy beneficial gut bacteria with less incidence of constipation and discomfort
2- The Primalac® Ultima 1 formula contains HMOs for a better immune system and strengthens the beneficial gut flora for a healthy outcomes
3-The primalac® Ultima Formula contains a high amount of omega 3 & omega 6 with a ratio of 1:1 to enhance brain development
4- The primalac® Ultima formula has a better ( taste & smell ) , thanks to the unique innovation of the Fat milk and OPO
Product Details: