primalac Ultima AR2 with Nutractive innovation is a Special formula for infant from 6 to 12 Months who suffers from regurgitation
it contains all the essential nutrition with nutritive innovation in addition to a thickening agent for fewer reflux rates, fewer crying periods, less burning sensation, and better growth
How to use:
one scope on 30 CM water (room temperature water )
Caution & Warnings:
un boiled water
always use the enclosed scope
Primalac Ultima AR2 is thickened formula, use a nipple with a bigger hole
never used a microwave to prepare a warm-up feeds
use content after opening within 4 weeks
use prepared Primalac Ultima AR2 within a maximum of 1 hour
primalac Ultima AR2 with Nutractive innovation is a Special formula for infant from 6 to 12 Months who suffers from regurgitation
it contains all the essential nutrition with nutritive innovation in addition to a thickening agent for fewer reflux rates, fewer crying periods, less burning sensation, and better growth
How to use:
one scope on 30 CM water (room temperature water )
Caution & Warnings:
un boiled water
always use the enclosed scope
Primalac Ultima AR2 is thickened formula, use a nipple with a bigger hole
never used a microwave to prepare a warm-up feeds
use content after opening within 4 weeks
use prepared Primalac Ultima AR2 within a maximum of 1 hour