Please ensure that your hair is completely dry without oil and dust.
Wash your hands thoroughly with water, remove the safety valve at the front of the shampoo, and then press to remove the shampoo.
As a precaution, avoid contact with nails of this product.
There are two different types of shampoo inside the product (green and brown shampoo), mix them well using wet clean hands until you get a white foam.
Put the foam on the gray hair on your head, beard, mustache, arms and chest. Wash your hands with soap and water well within 1 minute, no more immediately after use. Wait 15 minutes, wash your hair after 15 minutes. T
here is no need to use any other shampoo or conditioner while using this product.
If excess to your skin please wipe by wet tissue immediately.
Caution & Warnings:
Allergy Test: Preliminary Allergy test should be done to identify whether your skin is prone to any sensitivity. Please wear the Gloves enclosed in this package prior to trying out the allergy test Use.
Warning: Please make sure that you remove the earring prior using. Do not use it on eyelashes.
Please ensure that your hair is completely dry without oil and dust.
Wash your hands thoroughly with water, remove the safety valve at the front of the shampoo, and then press to remove the shampoo.
As a precaution, avoid contact with nails of this product.
There are two different types of shampoo inside the product (green and brown shampoo), mix them well using wet clean hands until you get a white foam.
Put the foam on the gray hair on your head, beard, mustache, arms and chest. Wash your hands with soap and water well within 1 minute, no more immediately after use. Wait 15 minutes, wash your hair after 15 minutes. T
here is no need to use any other shampoo or conditioner while using this product.
If excess to your skin please wipe by wet tissue immediately.
Caution & Warnings:
Allergy Test: Preliminary Allergy test should be done to identify whether your skin is prone to any sensitivity. Please wear the Gloves enclosed in this package prior to trying out the allergy test Use.
Warning: Please make sure that you remove the earring prior using. Do not use it on eyelashes.